Autism Resourced Provision
A Resourced Provision for pupils in Key Stage 2 with a diagnosis of autism is based within Cliffe Hill. This is a 10 place provision, managed by the school, supported by the Specialist Inclusion Team.
Who the provision is for?
The provision is intended to meet the needs of up to ten pupils who:
- Are within Key Stage 2, Years 3 - 6
- Have an EHC within which there is a diagnosis of Autism identified as the primary need
- Require access to a high adult : pupil ratio
- Require access to a specialist resourced classroom with specially trained teaching and skilled support staff
- Require autism specific strategies eg TEACCH
- Require a modified and controlled social/language environment.
- Require an individualised specific curriculum delivered alongside the National Curriculum, with adaptation and modification as required and direct teaching of social skills
- Require a low stimulation environment
- Require a combination of small group and 1:1 teaching
- Require a sanctuary/refuge for certain periods of the day
- Require support relating to sensory needs
- Would benefit from inclusive learning with mainstream peers in some curriculum areas
What are the aims of the provision?
- To provide detailed ongoing assessments for pupils to determine future educational needs.
- To provide intensive specific teaching, support and environment to develop appropriate strategies to become successful learners.
- To provide pupils with autism access to mainstream peers and learning opportunities in a supportive environment.
What is the admission process?
Parents/ carers are welcome to view the provision and the mainstream school and talk to staff. Following this, if parents/carers wish to pursue a place within the provision they are asked to contact their current school to request an interim review, following which a formal consultation will take place.
Any further questions?
Please phone school on 01422 202086 or email