Stoney Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 8TW

01422 202086

Cliffe Hill Community Primary School

Welcome to Cliffe Hill



Attendance is one of the major barriers to learning and can often stop a child fulfilling their potential. We want to support all of our children in making the most of their learning time and ensuring that this is a priority for all families. Your child’s education is very important and their attendance and punctuality impacts dramatically on their attainment. Research shows that children with less than 90% attendance are less likely to reach their full potential. Anything below 90% deems children to be a persistent absentee.

Weekly Class Attendance Awards

Each week we calculate attendance for each class and share this with parents through our newsletter. Classes with 95% or above receive £5 to add to their class bank account, which is presented in the assembly each Monday morning. 

Our Autumn champions were Reception and Year 2, very closely followed by Nursery!

Improving Attendance

Pupils are risk assessed on a termly basis. Any pupils who have low or decreasing attendance are monitored over a 4 week period in school or a support plan is put in place with parents to ensure we are tackling any barriers which pupils may have. 

Where this does not support increasing attendance, links are made with the Education Welfare Officer, who will liaise with parents in order to ensure al pupils have the opportunity to reach their potential through regular attendance.